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    Greenpeace 結果共13筆

  • Survey: 90% feel pinch of weather-driven price hikes

    Discover how extreme weather events have driven up fruit and vegetable prices in recent years, according to a Greenpeace report. Learn about the impact on consumers and the call for government action.
    2024/08/14 11:40
  • Taiwan’s waste crisis worsens, backlog to clear by 2036

    Explore how Taiwan’s escalating waste crisis, with temporary garbage storage quadrupling since 2018, prompts urgent action and investment in waste management solutions.
    2024/07/08 16:42
  • Misleading documentary sparks anger among Taiwan’s fishermen

    Taiwan’s fishing industry considers legal action against Greenpeace for a documentary allegedly tarnishing its reputation by confusingly linking Taiwanese vessels to labor abuses, despite the incident involving a Chinese ship. The industry urges the Ministry of Agriculture to clarify facts, amid concerns of damaging Taiwan’s image in international trade negotiations.
    2024/04/30 17:55
  • Growing number of plastic bags in Taiwan sparks concern

    A joint survey reveals Taiwan’s staggering plastic waste production, prompting concerns over packaging in supermarkets. Despite efforts to reduce plastic bag usage, statistics show high consumption rates, leading to questions about policy effectiveness. Environmental groups urge the government to implement stronger measures amid rising global environmental awareness.
    2024/02/20 15:49
  • Bottled water and seafood reveal high microplastic levels

    Discover how Taiwan is confronting the environmental and health challenges posed by microplastics in bottled water and seafood. Learn about the collective efforts to shift towards reusable containers, as highlighted by recent research and initiatives.
    2024/02/05 17:18
  • TPP calls for pragmatic energy mix amid Greenpeace demo

    Greenpeace has staged a surprise demonstration calling for a 40% renewable energy target in Taiwan by 2030. The Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) has responded by emphasizing the need for a pragmatic approach to the country’s energy mix policy. TPP spokesperson Tai Yu-wen stated that the energy strategy should be based on scientific evidence, focused on just energy transformation and sustainable development. The TPP supports a proposed energy mix of 45% natural gas, 30% renewables, 15% coal, and 10% nuclear power by 2030. Tai emphasized the importance of developing renewable energy sources while also maintaining justice in the energy transition. The TPP encourages the use of green power, supports community renewable energy projects, and aims to enhance the development of electric vehicles and charging infrastructure. The party hopes to achieve ambitious goals by 2030, including a 100% electrification rate for public buses and significant market shares for electric cars and scooters.
    2023/12/20 21:25
  • Greenpeace protests at Taiwan parties’ HQs for green energy

    Greenpeace stages dramatic protests at the national campaign headquarters of the Democratic Progressive Party, Kuomintang, and Taiwan People’s Party presidential candidates, symbolizing Taiwan’s "lack of green electricity." Activists construct towering billboards to voice concerns about Taiwan’s environmental and economic crises due to inadequate green energy development. Greenpeace urges all candidates to commit to enhancing green energy targets for 2030. Lai Ching-te, the DPP candidate, references COP28’s decision and President Tsai Ing-wen’s efforts to complete the first phase of the energy transition. Taiwan’s green electricity supply now exceeds 10 percent, surpassing nuclear power generation.
    2023/12/20 19:03
  • 日本淨化核廢水技術仍有缺陷? 專家:吃海鮮避吃這兩部位

    2023/09/04 11:56
  • 歐洲議會通過核能列為綠能 環團批骯髒將對抗到底

    歐洲議會(European Parliament)近日對永續能源選擇進行表決,以328票贊成、278票反對與33票棄權的結果,將天然氣與核能列入該聯盟永續能源(綠能)列表之內,但這個結果卻掀起諸多爭議。《CNBC》報導,不僅德國等國表達反核能的立場,以綠色和平(Greenpeace)為首的環保團體更是不滿這個結果,揚言將提起申訴、甚至不排除向歐洲法院提告試圖推翻決定。看在環團眼中,卻完全無法接受這個決議,綠色和平組織立即向歐洲執委會提出抗議,要求重新檢視整個提案並展開內部調查;倘若未獲合理結果,他們揚言將赴歐洲法院,正式提出法律訴訟對抗到底。「這一切都與骯髒政治利益有關,承認核能與天然氣為永續能源,就是公然允許更多資金流入普欽(Vladimir Putin)的口袋內!」
    2022/07/07 11:21
  • 魚油、魚粉出口 不利4千萬非洲民眾蛋白攝取

    2019/06/20 18:10
  • 綠色和平:北京治霾 初見成效

    2018/01/15 09:20
  • 一次性塑膠產品汙染海洋 3大廠遭點名

    2017/09/22 18:49
  • 北極熊日前夕牠需要你! 連署推動北極保護區

    ▲(圖:達志影像/美聯社) (網路新聞中心/臺孝婷) 2月27日是北極熊日,「Greenpeace 綠色和平 (台灣網站)」在臉書上號召網友一起連署,希望透過大家的力量成立北極保育區,讓住在南極的北極熊和其他動物可以不受人類的干擾,在棲息地快樂的生活
    2015/02/27 14:20
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